Basic Server Configuration: Faxsetup
Faxsetup script for HylaFAX.Before any HylaFAX software can be used on a server machine the faxsetup script must be run. This interactive script verifies the installation of the HylaFAX™ software and also carries out a variety of one-time tasks that prepare the system for use. Running faxsetup is especially important when working from a binary distribution because it checks that parameters setup at the time the distribution was built are correct for the target machine where the software is to be run.
faxsetup carries out a variety of tasks and then writes configuration information to two files in the HylaFAX™ spooling area. The file etc/setup.cache in the spooling area contains the parameter settings used by HylaFAX command scripts while the etc/setup.modem file contains settings and shell functions used by command scripts that communicate with modems.
The work done by faxsetup includes the items listed below. Note that faxsetup always prompts for permission before doing anything that might affect normal system operation (e.g. adding a new user to the password file).
- faxsetup verifies that the pathnames compiled into HylaFAX applications are correct and that the expected directory hierarchy used by client and server applications is present and setup correctly. If any of these checks fails then it is assumed that HylaFAX has not been installed or that there is a misconfiguration problem such as might occur when a binary distribution is loaded in an unexpected location.
- faxsetup verifies that the TIFF software distribution is properly installed on the server machine. HylaFAX uses certain of the TIFF tools in normal server operation and, if the TIFF library has been built as a DSO, requires the TIFF library DSO for proper operation.
- faxsetup verifies that the server machine is properly configured to support FIFO special files. Some operating systems are distributed without support for this feature and must be reconfigured before HylaFAX can be used.
- faxsetup verifies that the configured PostScript RIP is present and that it has the necessary functionality to use it with HylaFAX. Ghostscript users must be sure to configure the “tiffg3 device driver when building Ghostscript for use with HylaFAX. IRIX users must be aware that the DPS-based RIP distributed for use with HylaFAX is a COFF executable that cannot be used under IRIX 6.2 or later.
- faxsetup verifies that a “fax user is registered in the password file or YP/NIS database. If one is not setup then one is created. The fax user is used in various places in HylaFAX and should be setup to have the same user ID as that of “uucp so that UUCP lock files can be shared. (If you run IRIX the “fax user will also be added to the passwd.sgi file so that it does not show up in the normal palette of users displayed during the login procedure.)
- faxsetup verifies that suitable entries for the “hylafax and “snpp services exists in the /etc/services file or in the equivalent YP/NIS database. If no entries are present then they may optionally be setup (the software will still function properly without them).
- faxsetup verifies that the hfaxd client-server protocol process is started up when the system is brought up multi-user or that hfaxd is started by the inetd(1M) program. hfaxd is the process that HylaFAX client applications communicate with to submit jobs, query server status, etc. It operates most efficiently when run in standalone but may also be invoked through inetd. Without hfaxd HylaFAX is basically useless.
- faxsetup verifies that a “FaxMaster entry is present in the aliases database. This alias is equivalent to the normal PostMaster alias that is used to deliver mail-related problems; HylaFAX directs notices about problems and received facsimile to this alias. The FaxMaster alias should list those system administrators that will handle HylaFAX-specific problems. If an alias is not present, then one is created.
Following the above work faxsetup then prompts to create a configuration file for the HylaFAX scheduler process and for any modems on the system that are to be used by HylaFAX™. Finally the HylaFAX server processes are started up, or restarted if an existing installation is being updated or reconfigured, and any modem configuration work is performed. The following sections elaborate on this work and provide examples of how this work is done.