Advanced Server Configuration: Per-Job Controls
Per-Job Controls for HylaFAX.JobControl is a feature that many people have wanted, in a round-about way, for quite some time. It has been available since HylaFAX 4.3.0.
JobControl gives HylaFAX servers the ability to “virtualize” the sending configuration in a standard way. Many users want to use different TSI or calling_party numbers for different users who submit jobs. JobControl gives them the ability to do so.
The administrator can configure/setup a JobControlCmd that can assign these types of settings, and these values can be based on arbitrary job values, instead of being limited only to the destination number.
This means that parameters can be changed/set based on the client (IP) of the job submitter, the owner of the job, the email address of the sender, etc, as well as the destination, etc.
Some possible uses include:
- Specifying a different ModemGroup set for each owner/submitter
- Specifying a different ModemGroup based on the email address of the sender
- Specifying MaxSendPages/MaxDials/MaxTries on a per “owner” basis to override/force specific maximums.
- Specifying TimeOfDay restrictions for certain senders
- Rejecting jobs based on the submitters requested ModemGroup
- Setting the TSI based on the sender
- Setting the DialRules/ModemDialCmd basd on the details of the submitted job owner/email and destination modemgroups.
Sample jobcontrol programs
- Aidan’s sample jobcontrol programs are available at
TimeOfDay: "0900-1700"